Managing non-work injuries: benefits, requirements and how it works

Written by Gallagher Bassett | Feb 23, 2016 10:42:20 AM

The ACC’s Accredited Employer Programme (AEP) allows employers in New Zealand to manage work-related injury claims through third-party administrators (such as Gallagher Bassett). This assists in lowering their costs and administrative responsibilities.

A pilot project was launched in 2013 to trial the outsourced management of non-work injuries. With more than 5,000 non-work claims outsourced, the successful programme has now been extended to all AEP employers.

Requirements to qualify

To take advantage of non-work injury claims management, you must be part of the AEP. Any employer can apply to be in the programme; however, it will be of most benefit to businesses that pay a levy of more than $200,000 per year. Having a partner such as Gallagher Bassett manage your claims gives your business more control over the claims process, which lowers costs and ensures a higher return-to-work rate.

Benefits of managing non-work injuries

Having a single claims team manage both work and non-work related claims has many benefits. They already understand your business and employees, which makes for a much smoother and less costly process.

For example, when Gallagher Bassett works with an employer, we get an understanding of their business structure, the people to speak to; and what matters to them. Because of our experience with self-insurance, we are able to provide fast, effective claims management, whether managing work or non-work related injury claims.

This partnership provides better rehabilitation outcomes and ensures a speedy return to work for your employees. Not only does this programme cost nothing to employers (it is paid by ACC), it actually reduces an employer’s indirect costs (productivity and time loss). As the ACC is outsourcing to third-party administrators such as Gallagher Bassett, there are no contractual obligations – just a simplified, cost-effective claims management solution.

Claims process

The process for submitting a claim is simple. The employee still talks to their doctor if they sustain an injury, and if the doctor certifies more than seven days off work or alternate duties, the claim will be transferred to Gallagher Bassett. The knowledge of our client’s business means we know who to contact within the business, company processes and policies as well as standard rehabilitation and return to work practices.

The AEP is a successful initiative and the opening up of non-work claims management to TPA’s, has been very successful for both employers and the injured employees.

If you are considering using a third-party administrator for non-work injuries or joining the AEP, have a conversation with Gallagher Bassett to see how it could improve your business outcomes and employee wellbeing.