GB Clients set to dominate 2015 WorkSafe Awards

Written by Gallagher Bassett | Nov 20, 2015 3:58:14 PM

Congratulations to all the finalists in this years’ WorkSafe Victoria Awards, particularly the 7 out of 20 that are GB clients.

The annual WorkSafe Awards celebrate employers dedicated to improving the safety culture and wellbeing of their staff and ensuring a sustainable return to work.

GB General Manager Victoria Graeme Munro said, ‘This is a great result for all our clients, and I wish them the best of luck on the night.’

‘GB is a claims administrator, not an insurer, so claims management is all we do and we’re very focused on it. I think our passion attracts clients who are equally passionate, and that’s why you see so many GB clients excelling in this area.’

These finalists have achieved significant health improvements in their workplace, and have directly contributed to preventing injuries and ensuring their workers return to work.

GB client Metcash has been named as a finalist for Return to Work Excellence. This outstanding result is due, in part, to the injury prevention program called Bodycare Workplace Solutions, which has driven cultural improvements around health and safety at all levels in the organisation.

‘It is a great honour and achievement to be awarded a finalist in the Worksafe Awards. It is very exciting for Metcash and we are very pleased!’ said Kelly Pyne, Metcash Injury Manager.

Another GB client, Urban Maintenance Systems (UMS), has been named as a finalist for Commitment to Workplace Health and Wellbeing.

Their nomination is in recognition of the wellness program that UMS run throughout the year, which focuses on areas such as physical and mental health, injury management and working in inclement weather.

Since implementation, UMS’s program has been incredibly well received, with a recent UMS employee survey finding that 98.8% of staff agree that ‘my manager and team care about my safety’.

All finalists have displayed an outstanding commitment to the health and safety of their employees. Rather than seeing staff wellbeing as an obligation, they enthusiastically engage with the return to work process.

Bobbie Patel, GB Account Manager, has worked closely with Paula King, Return to Work Coordinator at Dysons, and congratulates her for being named as a finalist for the Return to Work Coordinator Excellence Award.

‘Paula’s commitment and dedication to returning injured workers to work makes her very deserving of being a candidate for this award.’ Bobbie said.

‘Paula, and all finalists, give the attention that occupational health and safety deserves, and care about seeing workers return to suitable duties.’

Other GB clients that were named finalists include:

  • Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre ‘Safety Manager Sharon Friedman’ (OHS Achievement Award)
  • Kingston City Council (Commitment to Workplace Health and Wellbeing)
  • Greg Tingate, Bass Coast Health (Health and Safety Representative of the Year)

Winners of the WorkSafe Awards will be announced on the 28th of October.