Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd (GB) has boosted its size and offering in New Zealand through the acquisition of a book of business formerly carried by Cosignia.
Cosignia provides TPA services to in excess of 80,000 people across NZ and is renowned for the market-leading functionality and service it provides to all clients, including insurers, employers, employees and advisers.
This is an exciting opportunity for both organisations and will allow GB to utilise its global expertise in personal injury claims and case management to further enhance Cosignia’s current service offerings, leveraging Cosignia’s success in the Disability, Life and Health sector to further grow GB’s services portfolio in both Australia and New Zealand.
For more information on the acquisition, and how it will improve GB’s services in New Zealand, you can download this flyer.
Former Cosignia CEO Craig Furness has been appointed GB’s Managing Director, New Zealand.
“This acquisition will combine GB’s global claims management expertise with Cosignia’s market leadership in the risk and health insurance sector to provide an enhanced service offering to existing and new clients” said Craig.
GB’s current Managing Director, New Zealand, Shayne Milsom will be returning to a senior leadership role within GB’s Australian operation, and will continue to provide support and guidance to Craig over the next 12 months.