With the recent news headlines about Australia adopting a four day week as the future of work/life balance and flexibility, we investigate what the millennial generation are really looking for, as their numbers are set to dominate the workforce.
There has been mixed feedback across the world when it comes to shorter working weeks or working hours, Sweden has been trailing six hour days with mixed results and France has had 35 hour weeks for over 17 years, with organisations complaining it has lead to increased labour costs.
Hours and days aside, what are some of the more realistic options your organisation could adopt to keep ahead of the pack and be warned, trust is the over arching ingredient.
China Gorman, a HR executive with over 20 years’ experience explains, “No matter where in the world, no matter what industry, no matter the size of the company – trust is the foundation for creating a great workplace culture,” she says.
However while this is perfect for millennials, Gorman explains how some will struggle with the future rules; “For some in the baby boomer generation knowledge is power, they operate on a need-to-know basis and ‘I’ll tell you what you need to know’.”
Balancing Act
The demand for flexibility and work life balance is huge and this writer can attest to how much I personally view it as my number one benefit.
Turns out I am not alone, 1 in 3 Australians surveyed by Seek last year said Work life Balance was the most important consideration when choosing a company to work for, compared to 1 in 5 seeking a sweet salary.
Develop me!
We all know staying with the same employer in the same job is not the norm nowadays, so organisations are increasingly turning to development opportunities to keep their staff engaged and on board for longer.
A word of warning before you commence, Zrinka Lovrencic, managing director of Great Place to Work Australia says, “Let’s face it…Nothing is going to make (work) better if you’re really unhappy with your manager and you don’t feel you have any direction in your job.”
If you would like to know more about the changing dynamics of your workforce and how to keep up with the rules, contact GB to see how we can we can assist.