ACC Consultation on Accredited Employer Audit Standards

Written by Gallagher Bassett | Aug 29, 2016 9:42:34 AM

Recently Gallagher Bassett sent an email newflash to advise clients of upcoming changes in the Accredited Employer Audit Standards.  We had some concerns over aspects of the proposal.

This week Gallagher Bassett has taken part in a consultation session with the ACC regarding the proposed changes.  This consultation session was part of a series of sessions that the ACC is running throughout the country with TPAs and employers.

The Audit Standards, if effective, achieve two key objectives:

  1. Ensure compliance with the legislation and the rules for participation in the Accredited Employer Programme; and
  2. Support better outcomes for injured workers.

We are pleased to advise that the consultation was very constructive and that there was genuine consideration of suggested changes to the proposal to ensure that these objectives are both met.  From our perspective it seems that the ACC had listened to the concerns raised by the industry and by employers and are committed to making sensible changes where needed.

We feel confident that the finalised draft of the Audit Standards will be better suited than either the current standards or the original draft.  Until the changes are confirmed the existing Audit Standards remain in place.

We will keep you informed regarding the proposed changes which are expected to take effect from 1 April 2017.  Once the finalised Audit Standards are confirmed we will work with you to ensure that all aspects of your injury management programme are up to date and effective.

Claim Related Inquiries

GB is service and solution focused. If you have any claim related questions or concerns please contact one of our Regional Team Leaders:

Northern Region:
Sonal Bassi
Ph: 09 967 8218

Central Region:
Lauren Horgan
Ph: 04 901 3194

Southern Region:
Andrea Nelson
Ph: 03 943 5061